All-on-4 Dental Implants – Learn More About Them

It is very important to be patient and diligent about this treatment as it will require proper dental care post treatment.

If you are facing total tooth loss and are considering effective treatment options, then the all-on-4 dental implants technique will provide you new hope. The revolutionary All-on-4 method has made it possible to do a complete mouth tooth replacement by using just 4 dental implants per arch.

FAQs Related to All-on-4 Houston Dental Implant

What to expect during and after the All-on-4 dental implants procedure?

There is some level of discomfort associated with any sort of surgery. Your dentist will thoroughly administer anesthesia and sedation to alleviate any pain or discomfort. You might also experience some swelling and bruising following the procedure. For this, your dentist will prescribe some effective medication to help you cope up with it. Usually, patients are able to return back to their normal daily activities the day after the procedure.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

How long does an All-on-4 Procedure takes?

Following your prior consultation and diagnostic procedures like CT scans, X-rays, etc. your implants and new teeth will be placed completely in one appointment. With the All-on-4 Houston dental implant, you can come to the dental clinic with bad or no teeth, and leave the very same day with a beautiful smile and a set of fixed and functional teeth.

Does the all-on-4 dental implants procedure hurt?

The all-on-four treatment and surgery is quite a painless technique. Once the numbness subsides, you will get a bit of swelling and soreness which is normal and usually last for some days. A number of patients are able to continue their normal routine within 2 days post the implant surgery. These 2 days are required to get used to your new teeth and their functioning.

Will you get your replacement teeth on the same day?

As soon as your all-on-four implants have been surgically placed, your dentist will then attach your prosthetic dental bridge that has been custom fabricated in an on-site laboratory from molds taken of your teeth during your previous appointment. So, no need to worry about any extra time walking around without any teeth in your mouth.

What about the post-surgery diet?

Owing to the concealed metal framework included in the pre-fabrication process, your new set of teeth will turn out to be quite stable and strong. It will be possible for you to eat most of the food items right away. You will be able to continue your regular diet within a period of 6-9 weeks. Avoiding hard foods and those foods that require tearing like hard breads, pizza, steak, carrots, corn on the cob, and crunchy and sticky snacks treats including nuts and gum, is suggested.

How must you take care for your All-on-4 teeth implants?

You have to take proper care of your implants and permanent replacement teeth just like you care for your natural teeth. Include daily and regular brushing and flossing in your dental cleaning regime. It is also recommended to visit your dentist for timely follow-ups and check-ups.

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